Lachlan Wellington
Content Developer & Marketing Specialist

About Lachlan Wellington

Lachlan (he/him) is currently an undergraduate student at Iona University where he is completing his major in mass communication with a concentration in journalism.

Lachlan has always enjoyed reading and writing from a young age. When he can find the time, Lachlan loves to read and write. He is the sports editor of the Ionian, the student-run newspaper at Iona University and writes blog posts for SALVé on anything website design-related.

Although his major is media and strategic communication with a concentration in journalism, Lachlan is not afraid to write a variety of articles, especially on sports. He is equally capable of writing blog posts and in most other formats. In addition to Lachlan’s major, he is completing a minor in English, and therefore has experience writing longer pieces and essays.

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Lachlan Wellington

Content Developer & Marketing Specialist

About Lachlan Wellington

Lachlan (he/him) is currently an undergraduate student at Iona University where he is completing his major in mass communication with a concentration in journalism.

Lachlan has always enjoyed reading and writing from a young age. When he can find the time, Lachlan loves to read and write. He is the sports editor of the Ionian, the student-run newspaper at Iona University and writes blog posts for SALVé on anything website design-related.

Although his major is media and strategic communication with a concentration in journalism, Lachlan is not afraid to write a variety of articles, especially on sports. He is equally capable of writing blog posts and in most other formats. In addition to Lachlan’s major, he is completing a minor in English, and therefore has experience writing longer pieces and essays.

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Lachlan Wellington
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