7 Misconceptions About Website Design

Published on
September 29, 2022
Written by
Lachlan Wellington
Read time
4 minutes

Lachlan Wellington

Content Developer & Marketing Specialist

7 Misconceptions About Website Design

Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

Website design can be an overcomplicated and difficult process, especially if you don’t know where to start.

However, there are many common misconceptions about the process that can make it seem even more daunting.

So what are some of the most common misconceptions about website design? Let’s take a look at seven of them.

Website design is easy

Website design is a complex process that requires a lot of knowledge and experience.

Web designers need to know programming languages like JavaScript and C++; various CMS like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla; understand marketing best practices, like where to place calls-to-action (CTAs); understand user behaviour, what they’ll respond to, what they click on; and have a strong understanding of visual design.

The best web designers not only know how to make websites look great, design it to attract qualified leads.

There is a lot of research that needs to go into the design of your website to accurately reflect your company’s brand and that will appeal to your target customer.

Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

Anyone can build a website

It’s true that anyone can build a cookie cutter website on DYI tools like Wix or Squarepace.

Free website tools are great for a website with one or two pages, but that isn’t going to cut it for mid-size to large business who need more complex websites.

It’s easy to tell the difference between a website that was built on a template-based tool vs made entirely from scratch.

DIY website tools also lack the functionality and customization you need for a professional looking site.

You’re going to want a professional’s help to build a high quality website that is functional, attracitve and user friendly.

If you’re looking for a professional feel, then some coding will be necessary to add a level of customization.

I built my website, now it’s time to relax

Once your website is built, you it will need routine maintenance checks.

You should carry out regular testing so you know it’s free of bugs and optimized properly for your audience.

You will also need to market your website and push content in order to bring in viewers.

Some ways to market your website include…

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Blogging & guest posting
  • Pay per click advertising
  • Facebook advertising
  • Youtube
  • Email marketing
  • Social media advertising

Users don’t care about aesthetics

One aspect of your website that repeatedly gets overlooked and forgotten about is the aesthetics of your website- how it actually looks and feels for your audience.

Clutter can be a turn off if there is too much information on one page for your audience to sift through.

Cleaner websites look better, are much easier to navigate and load faster.

Although clutter is a big no for your website, too much white space that is not filled can be just as damaging for your website.

Ensure there is not too much white space, so your website is interesting for your audience and has all the relevant information they may need to know.

You need to tell your whole story on your homepage

Your visitors’ first interaction with your website should make them feel like your website was designed for them.

It helps by knowing the needs of your target audience and then tailoring your homepage to what your audience is looking for.

Having a clear call to action on the homepage will get your audience to move quicker in taking your desired action.

Photo by Jannis Brandt on Unsplash
Photo by Jannis Brandt on Unsplash

Your website is an advertisement

This is true in the sense that it will help you develop your branding, however, your website should not look like a holiday brochure, with basic details and nothing else.

Your website should be interactive for your users, providing them with your own expert content and an in-depth, unique look into your company, while still providing your audience a platform to share their own stories and ideas.

Your website is primarily a place to start a conversation, provide information about how you can provide value to your audience, and should be at the core of how your business sells, markets and how you are in the world around you.

Photo by Walling on Unsplash

Web design should be done in house

Businesses can be reluctant to pay someone outside of the organization to build a website when they have an internal marketing team.

But what if your existing team doesn’t have a certain technical skill needed to complete the website?

That is where partnering with a web design agency comes in to play.

An outside web design agency can help with any projects that are over your head, deliver expertly done work in a shorter time frame, and make sure that the website’s performance aligns with your business goals.

Those are the seven common misconceptions about website design.

If you’re looking for a quality website that has a professional look and feel, then consider partnering with a web design agency.

With this in mind, are you ready to build your new website? Let’s chat to see how SALVé can help.

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