Nicolas Di Luciano

About Nicolas Di Luciano

Nicolás has always been interested in Tech and Science since he's had memory. He always wondered what was going on behind the scenes of the programs everyone used every day, which sparked an interest in programming as a whole. He also studied music at a conservatory as a pianist but his passion for computers made him go a different direction. He joined the SALVé team in June of 2022 with the chance of bettering himself as an individual and team player. Some of Nicolás' previous work experience is:

  • Product salesman
  • Video call translator
  • Game translation quality assurance

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Nicolas Di Luciano


About Nicolas Di Luciano

Nicolás has always been interested in Tech and Science since he's had memory. He always wondered what was going on behind the scenes of the programs everyone used every day, which sparked an interest in programming as a whole. He also studied music at a conservatory as a pianist but his passion for computers made him go a different direction. He joined the SALVé team in June of 2022 with the chance of bettering himself as an individual and team player. Some of Nicolás' previous work experience is:

  • Product salesman
  • Video call translator
  • Game translation quality assurance

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Nicolas Di Luciano
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